Sunday, November 28, 2010

CDC study: cancers often detected late, early screening a must

Though screening tests are available, cancers are still diagnosed at the late stage, leading to treatment difficulties and lower survival rates, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Read my complete article at Suite101: CDC Study: Cancers Often Detected Late, Early Screening a Must 

(Photo by Rhoda Baer for National Cancer Institute)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Child health: common eye problems in children

Young kids are often unaware that they have an eye condition. Parents must look for signs of visual impairment that, untreated, could lead to blindness.

Read my complete article at Suite101: Child Health: Common Eye Problems in Children 

(Photo by Danuqui on Flickr) 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Laptops can scorch scrotums, may cause fertility problems

Men who position the laptop on their thighs for long periods of time can overheat their scrotum and impair the quality of their sperm, says a new study.

Read more at Suite101: Laptops Can Scorch Scrotums, May Cause Fertility Problems 
(Photo by bbaunach on Flickr)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Exercise a simple way to prevent colds, says study

New research finds that physical activity cuts the number of times a person catches a cold and makes the symptoms less pronounced.

Read my complete article at Suite101: Exercise a Simple Way to Prevent Colds, Says Study 

(Photo by Warrren Long on Flickr.)